Forum Contacts

Lyran Tal is comprised of a motley crew of writer-roleplayers brought together by Love of the Game. Over the last few years, we've taken Lyran Tal from bare-bones to an amazingly rich and detailed setting. Below is a list of addresses where you can write for answers to general questions about each area; click on their name to send an e-mail.


Shard CWT Shard: Creator of Lyran Tal, Administrator, Webmaster
Arboria Arboria, Elves, Geomancy, Druids, Dwarves, Rangers
Balthazor Balthazor, Necromancy, Undead, Belladonna Sodality
Cloosidian Cloosidian, Aeromancy, Seleventi
Luminii Luminii, Vivomancy, Keldon Baraeros
Oceanuus Oceanuus, Hydromancy, Merfolk, Half-los, Pirates
Shadokhan Politics and laws, general information about Dreven and the Crosswinds Tavern
Thermador Thermador; Pyromancy; Nomadic Tribes
The Badlands
The Dreven Gazette


For information on player-run groups (such as the ALF, the UMA, Silver Moon Knights, etc.), please visit the Player Groups thread in the forum.


THANK YOU to everyone who works and plays in Lyran Tal. It would be impossible to list everyone here, but without all of you, the incredible, rich detail of this setting would not be possible. This place has an unrivaled sense of community that we can all be proud of.

A special "thank you" to Laura G for taking the time in the beginning to compile the bulk of this information into condensed form so it could be used here, and to Betse for all her organizing and updating. We've come a long way, baby!

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